martes, 19 de abril de 2011

miércoles, 30 de marzo de 2011


Como mi ausencia en este blog muestra, me dispersé. Denuevo. Pero he vuelto a mi cauce. Pongo aquí algunas fotos de las pruebas que he estado haciendo:

lunes, 14 de febrero de 2011

Instalations and theaters.

Ya se nombró a Ilya Kabakov más abajo. Estuve investigando y encontré(a pesar de no ser lo que buscaba) un libro en el que se muestra una extensa serie de dibujos, maquetas y proyectos arquitectónicos finalmente realizados que realmente, poco me interesan. Sin embargo, ya puestos, decidí empezar a leer lo que parecía una simple entrevista al artista sobre sus experiencias y puntos de vista respecto a la instalación y el teatro(debido a su vinculación, sobretodo reciente a éste). Me pareció tan interesante y refrescante que fui copiando las partes que más me gustaron, y aquí las pongo para no olvidarlas(textos en inglés):

ILYA & EMILIA KABAKOV. Instalations and theaters.

+ Theatricallity of the instalation and the instalation of the theatrical.

"Theater is that place where, sitting in the seat and looking at the stage, we find ourselves drawn into something without our consent, we lose the ability to comprehend, we lose the will and capability for reflection."
"Modernism demands the position of a cold observer, the position that the viewer is supposed to occupy[...]that is, the viewer is supposed to ve distanced in relation to the artistic object."
"Let it be a failed or unrealized attempt, but it is sufficent in its capacity as an utopian project."
"The instalation, a good instalation, disorients the viewer in the sense that he doesn't know where to look. The total instalation does this because it affects with all of its objects taken as a whole and not just by the objects themselves."
"The instalation is an art that doesn't havean author, at least it pretends not to have an author. It is like a sacred building or a train station."

GROYS - In summary, it can be said that like the theater, the instalation reveals either the memory about an event or the anticipation of it.
KABAKOV - But it never shows the present: it either awakens either memory or hope, but it never satisfies us in the present.

+ With the back turned on Utopia

I.SIBERNS: "Until today, kabakov has maintained his subject of an artistic discourse-which sometimes appears to be philosophical, sometimes critical of art, occasionally pseudo-scientific, and then banal or even completely absurd." "With complete irony, he mourns the conditions which also formed him."

+ The Russian without a window.

H.P.RIESE: "Kabakov wants to permit himself and his recipients to preserve some form of poetical emotional freedom in which they are cut off from the reallity surrounding them." "The abolition of the division of roles between the spectator(passive) and actor or singer(active) must be the goal of a spacial staging." "Following the theory of the Total Instalation, the viewer must be located within the space(the instalation) in order to experience its total effect."
"The foundation of art must be the personal band with objects which are saturated with a personal, associative connection with the artist, which cannot express this, but which are an essential part of his life. However, as soon as conceptualization or theorization begin, everything becomes kaput. The situation of coldness is uninteresting; everything must be connected in a warm solidarity."
"It is not the production of articles for any market at all, no dynamism, no western tempo, but the accumulation of a gigantic archive of objects, whose aesthetic individual value might be marginal but which find their place in an overall context."

jueves, 3 de febrero de 2011

Alejandro Gorafe

La línea de trabajo y bocetos se ha inclinado hacia una serie de disfunciones domésticas que a pesar de haberse ideado nuevamente sin conocimiento sobre las obras de Alejandro Gorafe, siguen una trayedtoria paralela a algunos de los trabajos de este artista. A continuación se muestran sus obras más cercanas a la idea y estética pensada para el proyecto:

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